- Keep the effort level and breathing rate consistent and conversational as you approach a hill.
- Touch lightly as you go up the hill (many trail runners walk up most or all hills).
- If you insert running segments when going uphill, reduce stride length as you run up to maintain resiliency in the leg muscles.
- Reduce stride to baby steps when needed on steep hills or long hills – OR WALK.
- Monitor effort by breathing rate; try to maintain the same breathing pattern as on the flat.
- Stay smooth when running up and running down.
- Let gravity pull you down the hill as you touch lightly with a relatively short stride.
- Let cadence or turnover increase as you run down, without a great increase in stride length.
- Watch for trail hazards constantly and walk through them.
- Don’t over-stride!
Jeff Galloway Resources: www.jeffgalloway.com Visit the E-Shop where you will find “Jeff Galloway Trail Running” and other books for your running library. You will also find training tips, training groups, running retreats and more. Look for Jeff’s article,” The Starting Line” in every Runner’s World magazine.
Join us in Atlanta for the 2017 Jeff Galloway Race Weekend! To register or find out more information on the JG 13.1, The Double G, Barb’s 5K, Fit Kids Run and other weekend events go to: https://jeffgalloway131.com